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قديم 02-01-2009, 08:25 PM   #1 (permalink)
قلب وحيد
عضو لامــعـ

الصورة الرمزية قلب وحيد

 آلحـآله ~ : قلب وحيد غير متواجد حالياً
 رقم العضوية : 6730
 تاريخ التسجيل :  Jan 2009
 فترة الأقامة : 5599 يوم
 أخر زيارة : 04-25-2009 (04:41 PM)
 النادي المفضل :
 الإقامة : 
 المشاركات : 197 [ + ]
 التقييم :  11
  معدل التقييم ~ : قلب وحيد is on a distinguished road
 زيارات الملف الشخصي : 1512

  مشـروبيُ ~

  كآكآوي ~

  قنـآتيُ ~

  مدونتيُ ~

لوني المفضل : Cadetblue

افتراضي Rene Descartes

انا : قلب وحيد

A state is better governed which has few laws, and those laws strictly observed.
Rene Descartes

An optimist may see a light where there is none, but why must the pessimist always run to blow it out?
Rene Descartes

Common sense is the most fairly distributed thing in the world, for each one thinks he is so well-endowed with it that even those who are hardest to satisfy in all other matters are not in the habit of desiring more of it than they already have.
Divide each difficulty into as many parts as is feasible and necessary to resolve it.
Each problem that I solved became a rule, which served afterwards to solve other problems.
Rene Descartes

Everything is self-evident.
Except our own thoughts, there is nothing absolutely in our power.
Rene Descartes

I am accustomed to sleep and in my dreams to imagine the same things that lunatics imagine when awake.
Rene Descartes

I am indeed amazed when I consider how weak my mind is and how prone to error.
Rene Descartes

I hope that posterity will judge me kindly, not only as to the things which I have explained, but also to those which I have intentionally omitted so as to leave to others the pleasure of discovery.
Rene Descartes

I think; therefore I am.
Rene Descartes

If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things.
Rene Descartes

Illusory joy is often worth more than genuine sorrow.
Rene Descartes

In order to improve the mind, we ought less to learn, than to contemplate.
Rene Descartes

It is not enough to have a good mind; the main thing is to use it well.
Rene Descartes

It is only prudent never to place complete confidence in that by which we have even once been deceived.
Rene Descartes

Nothing is more fairly distributed than common sense: no one thinks he needs more of it than he already has.
Rene Descartes

One cannot conceive anything so strange and so implausible that it has not already been said by one philosopher or another.
Perfect numbers like perfect men are very rare.
Rene Descartes

The first precept was never to accept a thing as true until I knew it as such without a single doubt.
Rene Descartes

The greatest minds are capable of the greatest vices as well as of the greatest virtues.
Rene Descartes

The greatest minds, as they are capable of the highest excellencies, are open likewise to the greatest aberrations.
The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest minds of past centuries.
Rene Descartes

The senses deceive from time to time, and it is prudent never to trust wholly those who have deceived us even once.
Rene Descartes

The two operations of our understanding, intuition and deduction, on which alone we have said we must rely in the acquisition of knowledge.
Rene Descartes

There is nothing so strange and so unbelievable that it has not been said by one philosopher or another.
Travelling is almost like talking with those of other centuries.
Rene Descartes

When it is not in our power to determine what it true, we ought to follow what is most probable.
Rene Descartes

When it is not in our power to follow what is true, we ought to follow what is most probable.
Whenever anyone has offended me, I try to raise my soul so high that the offense cannot reach it.
Rene Descartes

You just keep pushing. You just keep pushing. I made every mistake that could be made. But I just kept pushing.


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